
These are the projects I have built so far. This list contains only my hobby projects, nothing work-related. Ordered by date of creation from newest to oldest.


Adopt Me - Pet Adoption Site

A pet adoption site written in React. Search for pets waiting to be adopted. Get detailed information on them before you make your choice. Custom pagination and dark mode components. Technologies used: Vite, React, Redux, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, React Testing Library, Vitest. Deployed to Vercel, check it out in action.

API Design in Node.js

An API built with Node.js, Prisma and PostgreSQL for an application, where users can create products, create updates for products and create multiple update points for their updates. Of course, products, updates and update points can all be edited and deleted. A user can only create, update or delete updates and update points if the associated product is created by them.

Note Taking CLI in Node.js

A note taking CLI application built with Node.js. Create notes, read or delete notes, and launch a web server to see the notes in a browser. The notes are saved to the file system inside db.json. Small test coverage with Jest.

Coffe Masters - Vanilla JS

A singe page application (SPA) written entirely in vanilla JavaScript. Utilized SPA routing, web components, the shadow DOM and reactive programming with proxies.

Microfrontends with React

A GitHub monorepo with different frontend projects (React, Vue) following the microfrontends architecture pattern. Utilized Webpack and the Module Federation plugin to make each project independent. With every push the GitHub Actions run, rebuilding the appropriate project, pushing my modifications to AWS S3 and CloudFront, thus it instantly becomes visible.

CMS from Scrath in PHP

A basic CMS built with PHP from scratch. Register a user, login, logout. Create, read, edit or delete articles. Publish articles that have no publish date yet. Upload images to articles, delete article images. Send e-mail through a contact form with PHPMailer.


Yelp Camp Europe v1

A campground booking app built with Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB. This project is currently in development. Everything is functional: the basics of the authentication system, campground creation, reviews. What it needs is a little polishing, adding extra features. Deployed to Vercel, check it out in action.